Here's something to think about....

Daryl loved to learn! I know that was one of the reasons he enjoyed traveling so much. He was inspired to learn more about the history, surroundings and culture of the people wherever we would go. He would read every plaque or monument we would walk by. He loved to go to museums and he was fascinated by the architecture. He also loved to teach. So many times after he had studied something he would say to us.. "Here's something to think about" Then... he would impart his wisdom on that subject which lead to a great discussion. I miss those discussions that lasted for hours but felt like minutes. At church we had been asked to be the family home evening coordinators at the 13th branch, a care center in our neighborhood. We would meet with the residents every Tuesday night, previously assigning others to come in to present some type of lesson or activity for them. This is part of an email Daryl wrote to three other couples we were serving with sharing some...