Seek First to Understand....

As long as I can remember Daryl was always striving for self improvement. One summer, I think around 1990 when we were on a family road trip he shared what he was learning from a new book he was reading. The book was 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. We were both so intrigued by habit 5 that it became a focus within our relationship and our family. I wouldn't say that we mastered this habit or any of the others but they were important to us as useful tools and reminders during "discussions" which kept us grounded. At this time Daryl was running a wholesale distribution company. A company that his father invested in and wanted Daryl and I to run. We started that in 1985 and later bought it from his parents. A company that he really loved. A company that he wanted his employees to feel like they were family. He liked the idea of being a "coach" and not a boss to them. I remember in 1997 he and I went to the movie First Knight, there was a line from the mo...