
Isn't life a miracle? I remember each of my pregnancies and the incredible miracle it was to give birth after nine months of anticipation. What a honor it is to grow a human life that was created out of love two people share. The days, weeks, months and years after that are pretty incredible too. When Daryl and I were engaged we talked about having a family one day. He wanted six kids (that terrified me) I wanted four. As time went on he decided that four was a good number. Not because our four were hard, quite the opposite. There is a lot that goes into raising a family, their needs are both financial and emotional. Our desire to be the best parents for our children was not a new concept. I believe every couple wants their children to experience life to the fullest. When you hold your newborn baby for the first time you realize this little human life is now completely dependent upon me. There is nothing quite like that little newborn cry. You forget all of those labor pains it to...