One Scary Night....

I was up late one night about two weeks into October catching up on some emails and work projects when I saw these text messages come through on the Norton girls group text. Earlier that evening our family had been together for dinner and we had a great time together. I felt a sense of fear and sadness as I read these messages of hurt and pain. How I wish I could take it all away but this pain they are experiencing, I too am feeling. I asked my girls if I could share these texts messages because I think it helps answer the question we are asked a lot, "how are you doing?"

Erika & Daryl
Daryl & MacKenzie

Daryl & Alexa

Daryl & Natasha 
Daryl & Karla 

Good morning lovelies,

I decided to write an email instead of text because it was late when I saw your text messages. I didn't want to wake you up but I have a few thoughts I wanted to add and texting would take to much time.

I'm grateful to have each of you in my life. We grieve because we love- In Doctrine and Covenants 42:45 it says "Thou shalt live together in love, insomuch that thou shalt weep for the loss of them that die". This is hard stuff that we are all going through. I think it is especially hard because it was so sudden. No warning..It doesn't make sense and it really hurts. One thought that has gone through my mind is Dad didn't like goodbyes. A couple of months before his accident he asked me how often I texted or talked with each of you and I said at least one a week if not more. He wanted to make sure that he did that more. I noticed on his phone his text messages were so thoughtful! So full of good advice. 

I love what you said Kenz, about each of you have little bits of pieces of Dad's personality and being together is a good reminder. So true!! I shared this with Kenz when she was over on Sat. I find myself doing Daryl like things that I would have never done before (bold moves) which I really like. When I was coming home from Denver, my flight was completely full. I was in zone 3 so I was the last zone to board and I knew it would be a challenge to find a place in the overhead compartment for my bag. Normally I would wait for a flight attendant to help me but... I thought, I know what Daryl would do so I opened one of the compartments, and saw a small backpack. I removed it, put my bag in it's place then put the back pack on top of mine. I feel close to Dad when I do things he would do :) 

He always said he looked forward to knowing that you girls would get together and tell stories about him and laugh. I think we have plenty of those stories but we probably have more real teaching moments that will help us through this lone and dreary world. 

Live in the moment- practice mindfulness. both lessons he was working on and mastering! 

Don't take your husbands for granted- love them unconditionally and you will see them thrive! 

I love you all so much! You are amazing women. Let's keep sharing memories!



So... there you have it, a snapshot view of how we are doing. Everyday is not like that scary night in Oct. though. We are discovering that our relationship with Daryl -(the Daryl, Papa D, Dad) hasn't ended, it's just changed. We are all finding new ways to connect. We love you!! 


  1. Mark began a morning prayer the other day..."Heavenly Father, we are getting it that this life is a brief sojourn." And then something like, help us to soak it up and seek for Light. The precious time and the incredibly dear relationships we have make us equally vulnerable. Two sides of the same coin. We wouldn't want it any other way but dang! it hurts.
    May you beautiful Women-of-Daryl keep missing him, keep loving him, keep remembering him, and find constant support in one another.
    Lots of love!

    1. You and Mark are two of the most genuine people there are! I love you guys!

  2. Grief can be such a lonely terrible thing. I'm so glad you have each other to reach out to endlessly and that you do. Emotions are messages and the way to "receive the message" is to feel it, give a little space for it, and then it's allowed to move through instead of get stuck and come out sideways. It feels like it'll never end, and in some ways it won't, but it'll change over time to be not quite so intense and horrible. Thank you for sharing. We love to support you even while knowing it's not enough. We can be witnesses and in the smallest of ways help give space for the grief. Love you guys.


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